What is love?

When man is not able to relate to his fellow men, to participate, to fraternize, to make friends, to develop affection, in other words he is not capable of loving; he can enter into a process of isolation that eventually leads him to conduct Social inhibition and ultimately a mental illness that can acquire serious characteristics over time. Welcome to our blog and welcome to our chat, where you can talk to strangers.

But what is the condition of love?

If it is a pleasant sensation, what is what produces it, on what does it depend? Is it very common for people to think that it is an issue that is beyond their control, that it is a question of chance, of luck, something with which one is at a certain moment? It is being at the right time and place. For most people the problem of love is in being loved. On how to be objects of love. To achieve this they resort to certain mechanisms to conquer the love of others. For example men dream of success that leads them to conquer power and money that turn them into objects susceptible of love. Women want to remain attractive, for example by taking extreme care of their physical appearance, their costumes, using expensive jewelry, to fix the attention of the person who should love them. In general there are many ways to become attractive that use both men and women ranging from fine manners, interesting conversations, false modesty, splendid gifts, special attentions etc., all these are ways to make yourself want ?. All these conceptions of love are wrong because they start from a mistaken premise that is to believe that love is a feeling that depends or is conditioned by an object external to the person himself and not to his own ability to feel it, to develop it according to their own abilities. Perhaps here is one of the most important causes why couples do not achieve lasting relationships. By the way, you can have some fun with our video chat with strangers.

 It is that man does not develop his own power to love.

It is not the fire of a passionate love, that in the end time is extinguished, if not the incessant, permanent effort of approaching a human being of the other sex, which allows the love between a couple to remain alive. And this encounter must be sought with all the qualities that depend on human maturity and reason, such as the feelings of responsibility, respect and self-knowledge and of the other person. He who can take responsibility, both his own and others can know what the task of love is. But for this it is necessary that the personality of the one to whom one is loved is respected. And you can only respect what is known. On these bases you can develop a true love relationship that will last and grow with the time and the difficult circumstances that surely will have to face. Many people, of course mistakenly dream of a love without conflict or problems. The media by circumstances of audience, of marketing, usually build through films and telenovelas an ideal image of love, which in reality does not exist. Together this to the ignorance of the world and in some cases to ingenuity ends up producing in the people great disappointments amorous.
