To make love

Who does not think of his pleasure is simply a bad lover. Insofar as you are indolent to what causes pleasure in your partner, the probability that they stop wanting you is ample. If you deny your premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, you also deny the pleasure to your partner. The end of your relationship will be irreparable. The more you fake orgasms, the more your body suggests itself and avoid having them. Keep eye on our blog and welcome to our chat, where you can talk to strangers.

Pretending orgasms is pretending self-esteem

A man who does not use his feminine aspect to discover what a woman likes in sex, will never be a complete lover. It is impressive the amount of women enduring bad lovers just because they do not seem eager of good sex. The less communication there is in the sexual aspect the less pleasure there will be. A woman's sexual self-esteem is measured by her fear of telling her partner that she does not make love to her as she wishes. A man without emotional sensitivity cannot in any way be a good lover. The frigidity or lack of orgasm in a woman is almost never biological. It is usually psychological or has a bad lover. As far as I am concerned, after a certain age, being a virgin is a defect. As we advance in age, sex is quality and not quantity. One thing is certain, the more sex we have the more we want. Multiorgasm is not always a virtue. Sometimes they are many little ones and others prefer a great orgasm. Sex is separated from love, in fact, many have lived disastrous relationships emotionally and a wonderful sex. While man bases his sexuality on his erection, he loses all the adventure of discovering female sexuality. If you are looking for some inspiration – you can find in in our video chat with strangers.

The more rules we put to sex the less pleasurable it is

Of the major male problems in sex, for me, the primordial is the inability of some not to think like a woman. Pretending orgasms is equivalent in man to getting sex pretending love. When you discover the truth, the other feels cheated. Sex does not have to know, there is to be done. Be wary of anyone who tells you that he is a good lover. Sex is not shown speaking, it is shown naked. A woman the more repressed, the worse lover is. Who talks a lot about sex, much seduces and little works. Go running to the opposite side of whoever tells you about your sexual prowess. From experience, even though sex is WONDERFUL, the frequency of conflicts between partners will end with everything.

The first time is never good, so both are experienced lovers

Sexual routine kills the sexual. A woman thinking like a man will be considered a whore for every man deeply complexed. There is no way to escape the possibility of falling in love when the sex between them is heavenly. Sometimes you suffer more from having lost an excellent sex than having lost a love. Be wary of those who read a lot about sex. They are those who waste time instead of practicing it. Stop reading me and go and make love!
